Shaping the Future of ‘Micro-Farming’

How Elemental Sulfur can help by improving soil fertility and nutrient availability
Sulfur has grown in recognition as an essential nutrient for optimal plant growth, across all types of agriculture.
Today this also includes the importance of success in “micro-farming” – a farming method gaining popularity, especially among millennials, that involves using small plots of land to grow crops efficiently.
Microfarming is small-scale, high-yield, sustainable and community-minded farming, often done on 5 acres or less, not only in rural but also predominantly in urban or suburban areas.
“Micro-farming is based on the concept of getting high productivity from a limited space while keeping aligned with sustainable farming practices,” says Brooke Bateman, a sales and product leader with Keg River.
“Sulfur fertilizer, particularly bentonite elemental sulfur options such as our Keg River products, can provide a valuable tool that is an excellent fit for this type of farming, as an economical and environmentally safe option to support soil fertility and nutrient availability.”
Helping plants reach their highest potential
According to agronomists, plants generally require about one-tenth as much sulfur (S) as nitrogen (N). However, sulfur deficiencies limit plant growth as definitively and harshly as nitrogen deficiencies. Soil sulfur is not as naturally available as it was decades ago. As a result, using a sulfur fertilizer is critical to optimize plant growth because sulfur is not mobile in plants and a continuous supply from the soil is needed from emergence to maturity.
“Micro-farming success requires much higher productivity than conventional farming, which makes the importance of sulfur availability much higher,” says Bateman. “A deficiency of sulfur at any stage of growth will reduce yields. This is why micro-farms need to provide ample sulfur throughout all growing stages, to allow the plants to reach their highest potential.”
Natural option to ‘supercharge’ soils
Elemental sulfur is well suited to meeting the challenge because, compared to ammonium sulfate fertilizer (AMS), it provides a slow-release, season-long sulfur source. It is also typically more economical and – in the case of Keg River bentonite elemental sulfur – well aligned with sustainability values and practices. Learn more about AMS vs. elemental sulfur here.
Among key advantages for micro-farming, bentonite elemental sulfur is proven to support a dynamic soil environment and enhanced soil microbiome, with high season-long bioavailability of plant-available sulfur that enhances microbial growth and metabolic processes. Direct benefits include higher soil fertility and nutrient availability, which ‘supercharge’ soils in a natural way to provide an optimal nurturing environment for the superior productivity and sustainability results that micro-farming demands. Learn more about how bentonite elemental sulfur works here.
“Bentonite elemental sulfur is a very soil friendly amendment that provides both short- and long-term benefits,” notes Batemen. “In addition to the immediate direct benefits for plants, over time it contributes to broader improved soil structure and soil health, conferring multi-benefits for organic-mater breakdown and nutrient mobilization. It’s an investment that pays off in multiple ways, with increasingly higher returns.”
Getting the best results
There are three key factors for “getting it right” when utilizing bentonite elemental sulfur for micro-farming, says Bateman.
Right degradability.
Sulfur (S) in its elemental state is not available to plants. To be utilized by crops, it must first be converted through the process of oxidation into plant-available sulfate (SO4) – a transformation that occurs naturally in the soil through the presence and activity of beneficial microorganisms.
Elemental sulfur from Keg River is manufactured as a sulfur-bentonite pastille that is compatible with various fertilizer blends. Once applied in the field, the bentonite clay component helps to quickly degrade the sulfur pastilles. This process is activated by the presence of moisture, which causes the clay to expand and disintegrate. This in turn releases the sulfur to the soil where the microorganisms can convert it into sulfate.
Science shows the quality of bentonite clay used can make a big difference in degradability characteristics, which in turn can have a large influence on agronomic performance. Keg River products consistently test highly for degradability. Learn more about testing for degradability.
Dosage and application
Keg River bentonite sulfur products are perfect for nutrient management plans based on the “4Rs” – the right source, the right rate, the right time and the right place. The 4Rs approach is considered by sustainability experts and agronomists alike as an effective framework for sound environmental and sustainability practices.
Testing and advice to guide decisions
Soil and tissue testing can help identify the right product (including dosage and application approach) for the job, says Bateman. Keg River for example offers a range of options with different formulations to fit different S requirements, including specific organic-targeted options.
“Micro-farming is an exciting new concept we are pleased to support,” says Bateman. “We encourage micro-farm growers to contact us anytime to discuss options and help find the best fit for every farm.”